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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More than Healthcare

We the people must remember there is more to Obamacare than doctor shortages and old fokes getting pain pills instead of operations because the universal health care has universal costs that are to high. Chairman Oboma is running an old confidence game called the shell game.While some people who watch Fox News are concern about the constitutionally of the liberty ending health care the Chairman of the Socialist Democratic Party is looking long term. He needs to execute plan that CANNOT be changed by people who "cling to there guns and religion". Obama makes sure that the United Socialist State of America continues after HIS regain by controlling education. The future of higher education is control by the federal government in this unconstitutional statute. If you need an educational loan you WILL HAVE to go through The government in Washington. No private loans for education. You get a discount if you give 10 years of service to the government upon graduatiion. No private funds for education unless you live in North Dakota. The bank of North Dakota is exampted for the law so one North Dakota Sentor would vote for the bill. If the Socialist Democrates control hight education will make sure that all "thinking" people with be socialist. The United Socialists States of America will be entacted as the peoples nation under humanism.

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