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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Slippery B.Hussuin Obama

   The Obama administration gave safely award to the BP oil platform days before it blew up and sank. How does a drilling rig sink after getting a safety award?  The award given because the largest political gift to the Obama campaign by BP.
   We are told by BHO that there was not a enough pre-positioning of federal assets to control the spill. His people were dividing they time between porn on line and planning  for an off shore drilling accident. Instead of  watching  wet naked women on their computers they should have been working on oily water coming  from the Gulf                                                                                                                                           The Minerals Management Service's was NOT doing enviormental studies on individual oil rigs.  The MMS  examation to the BP rig for envoirmental reasons.                  
  President Obama blamed the last ten years of a culture of corruption in the MMS for the reason his people were not doing their job. You guest it it was Bush fault for the split in the Gulf of Mexico.One and a half years after GW Bush left Washington all problems are Bush's fault.