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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pushing Perry

If you would please forgive the workingrepublican for talking about local politics. People talk conservative. Jeff Perry is a man who walks the walk. Jeff in running for Congress from the !0th District in MA. In 2006 in MA most Republicans worshipped the ground that Mitt Romney walked on. Governor Romney wanted universal heath care in the state so he could be President in 2008. Rep. Perry voted against the Governor on  principle.
  Jeff was against forcing people to buy health care, When it wasn't cool to be against forcing people to by  health care. Jeff was going rogue before Sarah Palin was a household name. He was one of two Representatives (truly) Republicans to vote against Mittcare in MA.  Mr. Perry has voted with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and will do the same in Washington with the US Constitution. If you want to take the Constitution back as the founding document of this country send Perry to Washington. The  Constitution and NOT Mao's little RED book are the basis for governing this republic.
   In the last few days I have received two pieces of negative mail from Joe Malone's campaign. Today mail was on Mr Perry's education. Jeff has been a teacher at Bridgewater State collage. It would seem to be reasonable that the adminsitaion at Bridgewater State would have checked the education credentials of a teacher before putting them on staff.